Ever since its release, the Xperia series has collaborated with many creators
and fascinated them with its vision of
"Experiences beyond imagination for the dedicated and passionate".
Exmor T
for mobile
イメージセンサー「Exmor T for mobile」のイメージ動画が流される。
In particular, the "Exmor T for mobile,"
a new-generation image sensor implemented in the flagship model Xperia 1 V,
is highly valued by professional creators as a camera feature that overwhelms
the existing smartphone image quality for both photography and videography.
To deliver this great camera experience to a lot more people,
many advanced features of Xperia 1 V
are now packed into a more compact and accessible smartphone.
Today we proudly present
a new Xperia.
New phone.
New me.
テーブルに置かれたXperia 5 Vの画面に、ポップなイメージ映像が映し出されている。
そのXperia 5 Vを手に取り、背面をこちらに見せる様子。
続いて、女性がさまざまな角度でXperia 5 Vを持ち、顔のそばでXperia 5 Vを見せる様子。
Exmor T for mobile
3 focal lengths in 2 lenses
続いて、さまざまな角度でXperia 5 Vを持つ女性。
Xperia 5 Vのディスプレイから、カラフルなイメージ映像が飛び出し、場面が変わる。
ヘッドホンのジャックをXperia 5 Vにつなぎ、音楽を聴く女性の様子。
続いて、さまざまな角度でXperia 5 Vを持つ女性。
New phone.
New me.
色違いのXperia 5 Vが3台、手に持った状態で映される。
テーブルに置かれ、サステナブルパッケージに入ったXperia 5 Vにカラフルなイメージ映像が吸い込まれ、それにふたをする様子。
Can a new smartphone
bring new perspective?
画面左側にダンサーであるKTeaさんのInstagramのアイコン画像、右側にフォトグラファーであるTsubasa FlyawayさんのInstagramのアイコン画像が映される。
Dancer and Photographer
We asked them to use Xperia 5 V
to find a New Me by switching their roles.
ダンサーとフォトグラファー。Xperia 5 Vを使ってもらい、”New Me”を探してもらいます。
The two will speak in English and Japanese.
Please turn on captions for full understanding.
そして、その様子がXperia 5 Vで撮られている。
Whenever I dare to try out something new, I get really excited.
Like I'm visiting somewhere I've never been before.
続いて、α7IIIを使ってさまざまな場所・人物を撮影するTsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
場面が変わり、レーシングサーキットの屋内コース上で踊るKTeaさんと、その様子をXperia 5 Vを使って撮るTsubasa Flyawayさん。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
By taking a step outside your comfort zone you can find a new you
and express a new part of yourself.
It's uplifting and exciting.
I'm not just a dancer.
歩道橋の上で、こちらを向いてカメラを構えるTsubasa Flyawayさん。
(Tsubasa Flyaway・テロップ)
I'm not just a photographer.
Then who can I be?
My name is KTea. I'm a freestyle dancer.
But I'm much more than that.
I've been dancing since I can remember.
I feel that I can truly connect with other people through dance.
So that's why I started dancing.
I want to inspire others,
just like my friends and family have encouraged and inspired me to keep dancing.
There are many things that I want to try out.
I want to explore a new me.
場面が変わり、カメラを持って歩きストリートスナップを撮る、Tsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
My name is Tsubasa Flyaway. I'm a street photographer.
But I'm more than just that.
バイクで道路を走るTsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
続いて、アメリカにいた時のTsubasa Flyawayさんの写真が2枚、順に映される。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I first picked up a camera when I lived in America years ago.
I like people, so I wanted to make images that had a warmth to them,
and that's when I came across street photography.
さまざまな場所で、さまざまな人のストリートスナップを撮るTsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I don't usually put myself out there.
I'd like to expand my range of expression by stepping in front of the camera.
構えたカメラを下ろし、ポケットからXperia 5 Vを取り出して、KTeaさんからのSNSメッセージを読むTsubasa Flyawayさん。
"Hey Tsubasa! Can you teach me how to take photos?"
場面が変わり、広場で会うKTeaさんとTsubasa Flyawayさん。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Hey Tsubasa! It's been forever, man!
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's been ages. How're you doing?
I'm good. How've you been? I've seen your social media and your photos.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I've seen yours too.
Really? Thanks.
Do you mind taking a video for me?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Okay, let's go. There's a nice spot over there.
移動し、広い場所で踊るKTeaさんと、その様子をXperia 5 Vで撮るTsubasa Flyawayさん。
That's nice!
Tsubasa Flyawayさんの撮った動画が流される。
Shot on XPERIA
4K 120fps Video Recording
Wait! Hold on. You can do slow motion?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Amazing.So beautiful.
That's so cool.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Only high-end camera technology can shoot in 4K at 120 fps.
It's really good at showing your skin texture and cinematic expressions.
That's mad advanced. That's really advanced.
Shot on XPERIA
3 focal lengths
in 2 lenses
KTeaさんを撮る時のXperia 5 Vの画面の様子。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It looks great even if you zoom in.
That's really clean. Even the display. Even in the sunlight, it's really bright.
Xperia 5 Vで撮った写真や動画を見る2人。
Brighter display
with Real-time HDR Drive
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's easy to use outside.
That is so cool.
Xperia 5 Vで撮った写真や動画を見る2人。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
KTea always looks really powerful dancing in front of people.
I'd like to learn how to express myself like that.
This is a chance for me to ask her to take some photos of me.
続いて、KTeaさんがXperia 5 Vを取り出し、Tsubasa Flyawayさんを撮り始める。
I'm used to dancing in front of the camera, but being behind the camera, not so much.
It's something I've always wanted to try though.
Taken with XPERIA
Xperia 5 Vでお互いを撮り合い、その写真が順に映される。
Taken with XPERIA
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
This is my favorite.
I like that one.
Exmor T for mobile
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
The Exmor T for mobile is a new image sensor.
Even though it was dark, the textures have come out really well.
I could totally use this.
Actual camera camera quality.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's just like the ones I take with my Alpha.
Creative Look
What's this Creative...
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's called Creative Look. It lets you change the color tone of the photo to your liking.
Tsubasa Flyawayさんを、「Creative Look」で撮影するKTeaさん。
I'm going to get you. Let me get you in this photo.
Oh that's cute! Hold on. I like that a lot.
Wait, we're going to get the back a little bit.
続いて、Creative Lookで撮った写真が順に映される。
Taken with XPERIA
Creative Look
Creative Look
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's the same color tone I use on my Sony.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I didn't know you liked arcades.
I love them.
Not a lot of people know that about me.
I actually like spending time by myself.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Oh, yeah?
I like going to the arcade, you know, doing jigsaw puzzles, baking.
I watch anime on my days off.
続いて、室内でXperia 5 Vを使いアニメを見るKTeaさんの様子。
Full stage stereo speakers
Speaking about that, watching anime on this smartphone,
not only the visuals, but the audio is amazing.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I get lost in my own world every time.
Spending time with myself is great.
But yeah, I'm not just a dancer. I'm more than that, you know?
What about you though?
How did it feel being not behind the camera, but in front of the camera?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It was so weird.
It was weird, really?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I'm used to taking photos, but it's hard being the one in them.
It was fun to try it though.
I kept thinking I want to do it more like this or like that.
KTeaさんに写真を撮られるTsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
Whenever you're ready, I got you. I'll take a video for you.
New poses, new poses.
I think we'd make a great team. I'll take more videos for you.
階段に座ったまま、Tsubasa Flyawayさんの写真を撮るKTeaさん。
Taken with XPERIA
場面が夜になり、街灯のついた海沿いでKTeaさんを撮る、Tsubasa Flyawayさんの様子。
Taken with XPERIA
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It was nice to get to know KTea as more than a dancer.
I saw another side of her.
When she took photos of me,
I realized how important it is to express my usual self as well.
ダンスをするTsubasa Flyawayさんと、その様子を撮るKTeaさん。
I think the part of Tsubasa that loves taking photos is great,
but seeing Tsubasa through the camera was really refreshing.
It was really nice!
I've always been the one being filmed,
but actually shooting with cool settings and choosing my favorite Creative Look was really fun.
In a way, being able to express how you feel through the camera is kind of similar to dance.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
That looks really good!
Exmor T for mobile
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
The new sensor captures skin tones and textures really well even in the dark.
ダンスをするTsubasa Flyawayの動画が流される。
Shot on XPERIA
It's really amazing.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
This is the one I took with the bokeh mode.
Looks great, doesn't it?
Taken with XPERIA
Bokeh mode
It's like the pictures that you take with your actual camera.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
There are even bokeh circles on the lights.
I like how it stretches out on the sides.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's like it was taken with a DSLR.
Let's edit the photos and videos we took today.
Right now?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Yeah, it'll only take a minute.
One minute?
この日に撮った写真と動画を、Xperia 5 Vで編集し始める2人。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Pick the ones you like.
Video Creator機能を使い、好きな画像や動画を選ぶ2人。
Video Creator
Ok, I want to use... I like this one, this one and this one.
I like that one.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
And how about this one and this one?
Okay, I like that.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
What song do you want?
Music, let's choose...
I like this one.
Video Creator機能を使い、好きな音楽を選ぶKTeaさん。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
This one?
Yeah, yeah.
Shall we add today's date?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's done!
Already? Wow!
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It's finished.
I want to see it.
It's in sync with the music!
It's in sync with the music! That is so cool.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Let's post it.
Yeah, I want to post it. Can I get the video?
Do you think people will be surprised to see you dance?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
On social media, people have a strong image of me as a photographer.
But taking pictures with a camera is a way of expressing myself.
And dancing is a way to do that too.
I think that expressing myself more will help me to discover a new me.
That's great. Let me know anytime and I'll take a video for you.
I'll edit it in one minute too.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
It'd be easy for you now.
Right? I can definitely do it.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Is your battery okay?
Yeah, I still have plenty of battery left.
Long lasting battery
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
That's great!
You want to take another video?
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you want do it?
Okay, let's go.
Shot on XPERIA
Taken with XPERIA
I dance to connect with others.
I want to see how you see the world, and I want to share how I see the world too.
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
When I photograph someone, I want to convey what they are like.
But I also want people to know what I'm like as a person
so I want to express that.
I'm not just a dancer.
歩道橋の上で、こちらに向けたカメラを下ろすTsubasa Flyawayさん。
(Tsubasa Flyaway)
I'm not just a photographer.
(KTea・Tsubasa Flyaway・テロップ)
I am more than that.
New Phone. New Me.
let's review
new smartphone's
Xperia 5 Vを紹介するPVが多数現れ、コラージュのように画面に配置される。
As KTea and Tsubasa experienced,
the latest Xperia 5 V comes with a variety of special features.
A high-quality camera and an easy editing function that allow you to freely express yourself.
Immersive display and audio that put you at center stage to enjoy rich visuals and sound.
A long-lasting battery to enjoy your smartphone longer.
Advanced gaming capabilities for all the dedicated gamers.
As a part of Sony's environmental protection activities,
sustainable materials are used for both packaging and some parts of the main units,
aiming to achieve a zero environmental footprint in 2050.
Road to ZERO
This Xperia 5 V will be available in three colors,
and shipping will start from this month.
色違いのXperia 5 Vが3台、手に持った状態で映される。
New Phone. New Me.
Shipping will start from this month.
New Phone. New Me.
画面に「Xperia 5 V」とロゴが映される。
続いて、テーブルに置かれたXperia 5 Vや、
テーブルに置かれたXperia 5 Vを手に取り、
Great sound,good vibes.
緑の髪の女性が、Xperia 5 Vで友人の写真や動画を撮っている。
Memorable experiences worth sharing.
Taken by Xperia
Film memories as is.
Instant video editing.
続いて、Xperia 5 Vで動画編集している時の画面の様子。
Even in the dark.
New phone.
New me.
Xperia 5 V
横向きのXperia 5 Vと、縦向きの Xperia 5 V(3色1台ずつ)のイメージ画像が映される。
Next-gen sensor.
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